He has Risen! (Resurrection Faith)
Apr 8, 2020
Thank God for the chance to meditate on the resurrection rather than crucifixion. I also accept Jesus as my personal saviour through Jesus on the cross for my sin with tears and repentance at the UBF Summer Conference when I was a freshman. However, I trying to see different angles in Mark's gospel study in 2020. I was born into a Christian family. So Jesus on the Cross, Crucifixion is too much repeatedly meditated in 44 years of my life in Sunday messages, Good Fridays, Communions, Conferences etc. Normally, the message goes how painful, how cruel and bloody all over Jesus who has no sin, who hanged my place instead of me. Sometimes, I was turned to be Pilate, Pharisees, Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus on the Cross and one of the people who shouted crucify Him. The guilty feeling turns to thankfulness toward Jesus.
However, I've been thirstier as times go by for the resurrection and life after I accepted the risen Jesus. As Dr.Henry mentioned in our Bible study, the resurrection message was treated like a footnote when the Crucifixion message was main. Again and again, I went back to the place of the sinner who made Jesus die on the Cross. There are not many chances or methods of how to be happy and rejoice in the Lord as a follower of Risen Jesus. I don't say that Jesus on the Cross is not important. I want to say that resurrection is the key to the Gospel. Without the resurrection, there was no Christian. Paul says in 1Cor15:14 If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
In chapter 16:8, no one can deliver the good news. Even disciples found it hard to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Their belief in the crucifixion was so powerful, that they failed to believe the risen Jesus. That's why Jesus showed himself in front of his disciples and with them 40 days to heal and recover the relationship and gave the mission to preach. Being witnesses of Jesus' resurrection and ascension and baptized by the Holy Spirit, apostles and followers can work as Christians. Resurrection faith and filled with the Holy Spirit make them shout the gospel with joyful hearts. The mission is not hard or difficult for them anymore. Already given them everything. Resurrection is the completion of our salvation. Also, the joy of salvation comes from resurrection faith. Spreading good news is no more a burden or a afraid thing. It cannot fail to deliver good news if we really believe in the resurrection.
Here comes my problem. I have a thankful heart for Jesus who died on the cross instead of me. But because I lacked the resurrection belief, even I felt sorry for Jesus, when I was depressed I even blamed Jesus for why you died for me. I am one of the disciples who hides in a dark place and is afraid of being arrested and dying like Jesus.
To believe in resurrection is another dimension of belief. In the gospels, there are 3 times of resurrection, the son of a widow, Jairus' daughter and Lazarus. Disciples already witnessed these revivals from death, they knew Jesus had the power. But they still cannot believe, even though Jesus told them His resurrection before, even Mary came to report Jesus' resurrection, even cannot believe 11peples witnessed of risen Jesus to Thomas. He said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” in John 20:25.
I thought that I am a Christian. I know the Gospel. I believe Jesus died on the cross because of my sin. I lived in this state for more than 20 years. However, It is always a burden and a hard thing to spread the gospel to others. I don't have any joy in my heart to share the good news also. What is Good News? Jesus, the son of God came down to earth and died on the cross for my sins and his resurrection, broke the power of death and brought us to eternal kingdom whoever believes. Which I know and believe is not the gospel, it's only a half-truth of Jesus. I confess that I don't have a clear faith in Jesus' resurrection. I thought that resurrection faith would come naturally if I knew the cross of Jesus. Yes, this is the reason I am still under the power of death and fear. I desperately want to be the witness of Jesus' resurrection and filled with the Holy Spirit to be a complete Christian who can share proudly your death and resurrection without fear.
I pray that I may more deeply accept the risen Jesus and your kingdom which rules my heart with joy. I may taste the joy of salvation through resurrection faith.
One word: Risen Jesus gives us real joy in those who believe in him.