Norfolk pine
I had this tree after the Christmas season, and it was alive for almost 2year. But suddenly dried up the leaves and quickly died.
I don't know how I ended up buying this tree again even so a small and expensive place.
4 inches,12$, Sheriden Garden center.
It can divide 7pots.
The Norfolk Pine is one of the few conifers that can be grown as a houseplant. Unlike the traditional fir tree, it can survive all year round in our homes. This is a perfect plant for the holiday season. In its natural habitat, it can reach up to 60 m in height. Inside it will measure approximately 1.50 m. To ensure its beautiful green colouring and active growth, it is important to keep ambient humidity high by spraying its foliage daily, especially in winter.
Non-toxic to animals, however, the sap may slightly irritate the skin.
- Family: Araucariaceae.
- Origin: Norfolk Island.
- Watering:
- Ambient humidity: High.
- Type of potting soil: Rich and draining.
- Brightness: Moderate to high.
- Growth: Slow.
- Temperature: Cool.
How to Grow Norfolk Island Pine Trees
Norfolk Island pines are subtropical conifer trees that grow up to 200 feet tall outdoors. Learn how to grow your own at home.