

Apple tree / 사과나무 It may not be the first plant I started in this home but these 2 apple trees are the largest in our home which I started even from seeds that I ate. Now I know which apple is the best for my tastes (AMBROSIA), I try out different species. It may be the Gala. it may be started in 2016.  Aug,22 first Apple shows. Over 3 meters.My neighbour planted a medium-sized apple tree around 3 years ago.. eve.. 2024. 9. 10.
Norway Spruce / 독일 가문비 나무 Jan 2, 2023, This Norway spruce starts with just for fun. I got a clearance price, "Christmas tree grow kit" I assumed It may not work, but the negative thought was changed when I saw the sprouts from the seeds when I followed instructions. All three kinds sprouted but Serbian spruce and blue spruce dried out orderly.  Aug 2,24, growing but small, the branches are a little awkward, cut, and atte.. 2024. 8. 3.
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar / 삼나무 We planted the front yard, THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar as a fence around June 16, 201724pcs to around / cl 1. 99 (org 7.99) under $50, it is quite a deal. I wanted some privacy and also I envied the house with a tree fence. without knowing what to do... just did it. so 5 years later, these small $2 plants grow well. Without notice, it grows 10cm a year. Maybe it will be worth bein.. 2024. 7. 25.
Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree 06/03/22Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree, Lowe’s $49.99This is 100% the wife's choice. I don't understand still why she likes it. not cheap and full-price tree ..with 50$, this is the most expensive plant we ever bought.It is placed front yard.   07/23/24 Already 2year passed and it survived well 2 times of harsh winter.  How to Gro.. 2022. 7. 23.