rubber tree2 FICUS ALTISSIMA / 벵갈고무나무 20220916.. small plants starts.. 20240718I figured out that the name of the tree was wrong. I thought this plant was bengal rubber tree. But when I looked into it, it turned out Ficus Altissima. This is the tree I love from Korea. I tried several times but failed to keep growing. I present to special people. The top right and left one is .. 2024. 7. 25. Ficus lyrata /Fiddle leaf fig tree/ 떡갈잎 고무나무 Fiddle-leaf fig, banjo fig At first. I’m not that like this plant because the leaf was too big. But I saw many dramas and posts they use as interior props, which I also want to try. I happen to get when they clearance from lowe’s. I did big propagation around 10 pots but it did not much grow well compared with other ficus kinds(rubber plant)2021 1231 Fiddle leaf fig tree, Lowes $4 each(org 21.99.. 2024. 7. 25. prev 1 next