Tree14 Norfolk pine Dec06,24 I had this tree after the Christmas season, and it was alive for almost 2year. But suddenly dried up the leaves and quickly died. I don't know how I ended up buying this tree again even so a small and expensive place. 4 inches,12$, Sheriden Garden center. It can divide 7pots. -----The Norfolk Pine is one of the few conifers that can be grown as a houseplant. Unlike the traditional fir .. 2024. 12. 7. Glacier Eucalyptus / 유칼립투스 Oct 12, 2024$ 16.99 Metro full sunlight / keep moist/well drain/transplant shock This is one of the lists I want to buy. It was a little expensive compared to the size, but not much chance of meeting, so I bought it. One of the negative things is I heard this is an annual plant in Canada. I tried to transplant it cause it looked dense with other roots but it turned out that one plant. I put it.. 2024. 10. 22. Ficus Triangularis Variegata / 스윗하트 고무나무 This is one of the Ficus trees which I passed last year 2023 November and regret that I didn't buy it. It sells unthinkable places like pet shops. Also comparing small size, felt expensive. However, it's hard to meet again in other places later. Today, Sep 23, 2024, from Sheridan Nurseries I got one with the same price but a little smaller size one. The leaf is unique and sometimes it looks hea.. 2024. 9. 24. Apple tree / 사과나무 It may not be the first plant I started in this home but these 2 apple trees are the largest in our home which I started even from seeds that I ate. Now I know which apple is the best for my tastes (AMBROSIA), I try out different species. It may be the Gala. it may be started in 2016. Aug,22 first Apple shows. Over 3 meters.My neighbour planted a medium-sized apple tree around 3 years ago.. eve.. 2024. 9. 10. Norway Spruce / 독일 가문비 나무 Jan 2, 2023, This Norway spruce starts with just for fun. I got a clearance price, "Christmas tree grow kit" I assumed It may not work, but the negative thought was changed when I saw the sprouts from the seeds when I followed instructions. All three kinds sprouted but Serbian spruce and blue spruce dried out orderly. Aug 2,24, growing but small, the branches are a little awkward, cut, and atte.. 2024. 8. 3. Pruning and Training Note #1 from the DK books, Pruning & Training Breaking Apical Dominance (topmost bud) encourages lateral growth. Genus which includes variable numbers of species. Species may be interbred to create hybrids, indicated by the prefix "x". Within a species natural variants..and cultivated varieties, or cultivars, verbgerund or present participle: coppicingcut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodi.. 2024. 7. 30. Ficus moclame / Ficus Danielle /프랑스 고무나무? I was captured by the oval leaves and abundance of the tree when I saw it from the new car showroom. Dec of 2023.I looked up and found it also "the Ficus" family. I tried to find affordable sizes and prices for more than half a year whenever I could check plants. Mostly sells big and high-priced ones. The 10-inch pot one(below) was the smallest I had ever seen. Almost happened to be bought. It .. 2024. 7. 25. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar / 삼나무 We planted the front yard, THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar as a fence around June 16, 201724pcs to around / cl 1. 99 (org 7.99) under $50, it is quite a deal. I wanted some privacy and also I envied the house with a tree fence. without knowing what to do... just did it. so 5 years later, these small $2 plants grow well. Without notice, it grows 10cm a year. Maybe it will be worth bein.. 2024. 7. 25. FICUS ALTISSIMA / 벵갈고무나무 20220916.. small plants starts.. 20240718I figured out that the name of the tree was wrong. I thought this plant was bengal rubber tree. But when I looked into it, it turned out Ficus Altissima. This is the tree I love from Korea. I tried several times but failed to keep growing. I present to special people. The top right and left one is .. 2024. 7. 25. Ficus-lover (History of phytophilia) SUBCATEGORY of BIOPHILIA, because Phytophilia focuses on plants, which are only one of the aspects of living Nature."PHYTO", from the Greek phytòn (ϕυτόν), means plant; "PHILIA", from the Greek philìa (ϕιλία), means love or passion, so it is our LOVE FOR PLANTS. (from VERDE) My late mother likes plants, especially succulents. I had a photo of a boy watering those plants with a toy syringe.Howeve.. 2024. 7. 25. Ficus lyrata /Fiddle leaf fig tree/ 떡갈잎 고무나무 Fiddle-leaf fig, banjo fig At first. I’m not that like this plant because the leaf was too big. But I saw many dramas and posts they use as interior props, which I also want to try. I happen to get when they clearance from lowe’s. I did big propagation around 10 pots but it did not much grow well compared with other ficus kinds(rubber plant)2021 1231 Fiddle leaf fig tree, Lowes $4 each(org 21.99.. 2024. 7. 25. How to prune apple tree /사과나무를 가지치기하는 방법 집에서 과일을 기르는 것은 과정과 결과 모두에 있어서 매우 보람되는 일입니다. 그리고 만약 사과나무를 길러서 최대한 많은 과일을 생산하고 싶다면 아마도 가지치기의 필요성을 알고 있어야 할 겁니다. 가지치기를 할 경우 시간이 지나면서 나무가 더욱 건강해집니다. 또한 나무의 성장이 촉진되며 더 좋은 품질의 과일을 더 많이 생산할 수 있습니다. 그러므로 사과나무가 뒤죽박죽으로 자라지 않도록 그대로 방치하지 말고 쉬운 방법을 통해서 사과나무를 직접 가지치기하세요. 방법1기초부터 익히기PDF 다운로드 1가지치기를 해야 하는 시기를 확인하세요. 사과나무를 가지치기해야 한다는 사실을 깨닫는 순간 바로 달려가서 무성한 나뭇가지들을 잘라버리고 싶을 겁니다. 하지만 나무에 손상이 가는 것을 피하기 위해서는 적절한 시기에.. 2024. 4. 19. Ficus Benjamina / 벤자민 고무나무 weeping fig, Benjamin fig, ficus tree I found 2014 Jan in the photo, When we were in the 99Howard apartment, I already had a weeping tree. Also, I added one more tree from Galleria. I saw a Weeping tree from my aunt's house at first. It was enviously grandeur and gorgeous. I tried to grow several times in Korea but failed even in Canada I think. But the one I bought from Korean Galleria Market.. 2024. 3. 25. Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree 06/03/22Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree, Lowe’s $49.99This is 100% the wife's choice. I don't understand still why she likes it. not cheap and full-price tree ..with 50$, this is the most expensive plant we ever bought.It is placed front yard. 07/23/24 Already 2year passed and it survived well 2 times of harsh winter. How to Gro.. 2022. 7. 23. prev 1 next