Project & Diy

Air Layering 공중 취목

by Jarden 2024. 9. 10.

I happened to see the videos of air laying. It inspired me to do that. Later I also found a rooting ball from Amazon to try out. Aliexpress sells cheaper.

I did first try in May21.


On July 31, 24, I found some rooting ball that made that branch lead to death.  I failed one and may be successful (visible roots formed) in one from Ficus Moclame because this rooting ball is transparent. Almost the same time, the same species but maybe the difference in how much I cut the branch or the place it grows may decide the different fate. 

When I checked, the above photo, the conifer in the pot also looked failed and the rose of Sharon also dropped the leaves. 


Aug 2, 2024, Ficus Moclame airlayer is obviously successful with a clear rooting ball. However, the Ficus Benjamine is not successful but has not failed yet. let's wait for more days. 

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