Project & Diy

Pruning and Training Note #1

by Jarden 2024. 7. 30.

from the DK books, Pruning & Training 



Breaking Apical Dominance (topmost bud) encourages lateral growth.


Genus which includes variable numbers of species. 

Species may be interbred to create hybrids, indicated by the prefix "x". 

Within a species natural variants..and cultivated varieties, or cultivars,


gerund or present participle: coppicing
  1. cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.
    "the company began to coppice the woodland for conservation purposes"
gerund or present participle: pollarding
  1. cut off the top and branches of (a tree) to encourage new growth at the top.
    "it was the practice of local authorities to pollard these trees on a regular basis"
gerund or present participle: pleaching
  1. entwine or interlace (tree branches) to form a hedge or provide cover for an outdoor walkway.
    "if you wish to pleach your trees, winter is the time"

Fruit Tree

The main reason I study for prune and training is for apple trees. 

The best apple/pear tree form is Espalier and 2nd is the bush form. 

Espalier / Bush Tree Form

Take away Growth buds to encourage fruit bud..which contains a flower. Flower buds that are more obviously fat and rounded than growth buds. downy bud scales.


Pruning Time: Late winter and early spring, March, April for Toronto.  Clean cut..


Fruit thinning

Summer pruning: to get more sun can reach ripening fruits 





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