

Pilea peperomioides / 필레아페페 Chinese Money Plant July 5, 2022, from FreshCo $3.5   221001/It grows well on the NW side front window. Originally, quite packed in one pot with two main trunks was planted and didn’t transplant. It is divided 2 big+ 3 small. 240723/ now I have 4 or 5 pots of Pilea. It grows well in our house and is easy to propagate because of small plantlets. 2024. 7. 25.
China Doll Plant / 녹보수 Common Name: China doll plant, serpent tree, emerald treeBotanical Name: Radermachera SinicaPlant Type: Broadleaf evergreen 2024/07/20 After Brampton Treetop Trakking in Heart Lake Park, right in front Lakeside Garden Gallery. $3.99At first this tree catches wife's eys. It gives refreshing and abundanceness. Finally end up this small China Doll plant.  That small plant pot has 14 roots which can.. 2024. 7. 21.
African Violet info 출처:보태니컬 하우스 of contents  목차 숨기기  잎도 꽃도 귀요미! 아프리칸 미니 바이올렛 키우는 법! - Botanical House벨벳 느낌의 귀여운 잎과 예쁜 꽃이 거의 일년 내내 피어있는 귀여운 꽃 아프리칸 미니 바이올렛을 아시나요? 1) 아프리칸 바이올렛(세인트폴리아)의 원산지2) 아프리칸 바이올렛 vs 아프리칸 미니 바이올.. 2024. 5. 12.
Ficus Benjamina / 벤자민 고무나무 weeping fig, Benjamin fig, ficus tree  I found 2014 Jan in the photo, When we were in the 99Howard apartment, I already had a weeping tree. Also, I added one more tree from Galleria.  I saw a Weeping tree from my aunt's house at first. It was enviously grandeur and gorgeous. I tried to grow several times in Korea but failed even in Canada I think. But the one I bought from Korean Galleria Market.. 2024. 3. 25.
ZAMIOCULCAS, ZZ plant / 금전수 04/30/22 Ikea / Potted plant, Aroid palm 6 " (15 cm) 16.99 (divide 5)update 0721.2022from divide 5pots, I present 1p to 40, 1p dead, 3 pot left.but 1 pot's condition is not good. some stem was softened with water and yellowed.I suspect overwater or not draining. 돈나무 금전수 키우기, 블랙 색상과 무늬 2.. 2022. 5. 1.