Jan 21, 2020
While listening to the last week’s message, ‘Jesus’ Power to Heal’, I realize that even Jesus’ healing doesn’t bring salvation to the people who are not ready to receive forgiveness. When I was hit with this idea, It was quite shocking to me. I just believed in whole my life naively that Jesus' healing brought a happy ending for all. However, I was sure of this idea when the message was finished and after the bible study of the next passage. The same as others, I also wonder why Jesus’ is indignant toward that leper. Basically, Jesus has compassion for all people. Jesus died for sinners on the cross. Jesus is love. He is open-armed to everyone who wants to be healed. So why Jesus was indignant to this miserable, begging leper who dares to risk his life especially? Even I questioned that NIV dared to choose the wrong and opposite interpretation than many other Bibles, “Jesus was filled with compassion”.
Most of all, This leper has no repented(or humble) heart. We don’t know the history of this leper’s life before and after got leprosy. But we can see his doubt and unbelief in his words, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” in front of Jesus. We can see this leper came to Jesus not with faith but for luck. According to that leper attitude after healing, he is not listening to Jesus’ command at all but brings harm to Jesus’ mission work(v.v. 43-45). The Bible describes, “As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.” Some people interpret that when the man who was a leper before, spreading the news is like an unbearable joy of healing even Jesus’ warning. In my view, It looks like Jesus healed the impure spirit(25) to disturb mission work. Jesus knew this man’s heart which was full of disbelief and doubt, most of all, he would not repent his sin after healing, which makes Jesus indignant. Normally, sickness makes people humble. Sometimes, they may be angry and fall to disbelief by their situations, healing can bring repentance to their sinful life. Jesus never let the sick turn back without healing according to the bible. However, it doesn’t guarantee to receive teaching from Jesus. This event confirms that Jesus should focus on teaching ministry rather than healing the people(38).
Secondly, Jesus can heal holistically who has a humble heart. Holistic healing means healing body, mind and spirit. Compared with Peter’s mother-in-law who was healed and served Jesus, this leper blocked the mission work by disobeying Jesus’ warning. Jesus doesn’t force him to repent. Even though he was healed by Jesus, used by the evil way. Why did Jesus heal that leper even though Jesus knew he would block the mission work? Because he came to Jesus shamelessly. He got healed physically anyway. However, he cannot be healed holistically. I doubt that he did the sacrifice of cleansing. We can compare this with the next passage, the paralyzed man who was healed holistically. This paralyzed man never talks in this passage and didn’t come with his strength but Jesus declared forgiveness of sin and healing and gave the mission. How come so different from the leper? Because Jesus knew this paralyzed man had a humble and repented heart.
Through this passage, I learned about Jesus’ power to heal any problems in life. I desperately want to be healed in Jesus. However, I still hold sinful desires which hinder my relationship with God. I know the answer is to mediate the word and prayer but I don’t want to do it in a way that makes me tired all the time. Like this leper, I just want magical healing and happiness but not ready with a humble and repented heart or recovering relationship with God. Lord, help me to cut away sinful desire. Help me to love you. I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.
One word: Jesus’ power to heal
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