Mar 18, 2020
I'm grateful for Mark's gospel messages because I taste newly when I chew it again, compared with repeating the interpretation I had before. As we see, this event is quite unique. During Jairu's events, including the 12-years bleeding woman's case in between. It's not happening by accident. It has a clear purpose to show us how Jesus builds up Jairus' faith from the beginning.
We see Jairus who has a daughter in sick. He may also do whatever method to heal her. However, he ends up kneeling and bagged to Jesus for healing his daughter. Yes, it looks like he has faith in Jesus. He risks his position as a synagogue leader to save her daughter. But it is in her last moment. He tried as much as he could without Jesus' help even though he already knew Jesus could.
There are 3 clues that Jairus didn't come to Jesus with faith but Jesus built him up with faith to believe.
The first clue is in his asking. He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”(v23) He asked Jesus to "come" and "put your hands on her". He gives exact instructions to Jesus how to healing process goes. Until now in Mark's gospel, only 1 example matches "home" and "touch", when Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law (Mk1:30). It means that he already reported what had happened to Peter's mother-in-law. His urgent asking is not based on faith, but facts. Actually, there were more healing miracle cases without touch, just saying. He may hear more news about Jesus' healing but he cannot believe it. But urgency makes him run to Jesus. People do crazy things when they are in a panic. This Jairus' asking is quite a similar attitude to the man with leprosy(Mk1:40). Jesus heals everyone who comes to him with faith or not as they asked. However, If there is faith, Jesus openly praises to encourage the faith and makes glory to God, otherwise it makes them quiet. His disbelief even limits Jesus' miracle. We already studied about the centurion who has a sick servant at home. His strong faith even draws a remote healing miracle from Jesus. (mt 8:5-13) We don't need to mention how much Jesus praises his faith.
To build Jairus' faith, Jesus shows vivid examples right in front of his eyes. When the woman who was suffering from bleeding, touched the cloak of Jesus, Jairus was the nearest person besides Jesus, also the last person the woman should pass through. (Actually, I also want to talk about this woman but it may lead to too many side branches.) He may have seen her desperate face when she pushed him away and touched Jesus' cloak and vanished into crowds. He may think that how rude her attitude. Suddenly Jesus wanted to find the one who withdrew his power. Finally, when she confessed what had happened, Jesus greatly praised her faith. This is the moment, Jairus needs a leap of faith to touch Jesus' cloak-like her. When he hesitated, another critical blow knocked him down completely. (We can see the end of the next chapter, every people who touched the cloak of Jesus was healed.)
The second clue comes with people who bring obituary from his home. Why they have to inform this news to him right away? Is that much emergency to inform the daughter's death? Why do they mention, "Don't bother the teacher"? As I told you before, the people who are nearest to him know that Jairus held off getting help from Jesus as much as he could. Or may these People are blocking Jairus to get help from Jesus. Either way, this action shows that Jairus can get distance from Jesus as soon as possible, so he may maintain his reputation and position. Willingly or unwillingly, the environment around Jairus kept discouraging him from believing in Jesus. Most of all, the obituary of the beloved daughter cut the last feeble hope in Jairus' heart. Satan snatches Jairus' soul completely with perfect timing. However, "Don't be afraid; just believe." it is Jesus' voice that sobers him. Did he come to his senses right away? I don't think so. I think Jesus and his 3 disciples dragged him to his house to be the witness of 2nd miracle in front of his eyes.
The last clue for Jesus to build up Jairus' faith is giving him a chance to choose to believe by heart while making environmental security when Jesus brings only 3 disciples and his wife. At first, large crowds of people toward Jairus' house including other disciples. After the news of healing the woman only by touching the cloak of Jesus, crowds are eager to see what will happen next. However, Jesus not letting them follow him anymore. The reason is Jesus wants Jairus to believe in his own decision without care of other eyes. Even Jesus put them all out who were in his house, saying "... The child is not dead but asleep." They laugh at what Jesus says. But He bored jeering of the people for the sake of one soul, Jairus.
Jesus wanted to plant the faith and even overcome the fear of death. Everyone knows that the daughter is dead. However, when Jesus calls her to wake up, it breaks the last stumbling block to believing Jesus in him. Jesus saved his daughter and this man, Jairus who will be a source of blessing in his community and colleagues and prominent people by keeping his position as a synagogue leader.
When I meditate on this passage, this Jairus is also a seed of faith, like the man who was released from the evil spirit in the earlier passage. There are several comparisons between these two people's lives. The man who has been released from the evil spirit may be the real example of the lamp on a stand, according to Chapter 4. His life was already and should be exposed around that area as a token of God's love and grace. Jairus' case can be thorny ground that cannot bear fruit. However, through this event, his ground of heart is cleared and hoping to be the mustard tree which yields fruits, shades and places even birds can perch.
In Mark's gospel, only important persons' names were recorded like disciples and opponents. There were so many people who were healed and saved, but only Joseph of Arimathea and this Jairus were written on the script. Because their existence was greatly influenced to build up early church I think. Faith can draw great power whatever they believe in Jesus like that woman. However, Jesus never ignores the weaker's cry and their suffering for 12yrs.
In this pandemic, the fear of death seems much more vivid and closer to us. Even churches were closed down. But this is the time to go near God more desperately. God knows me and my situation, my desire, my anxiety...Everybody tried to keep a certain social distance but not with God. Whatever condition we are in, we should go to Jesus who knows our suffering. I should go to Jesus again. Only He can relieve my worries. He also wants me to grow in faith until the last breath. He chooses me like Jairus. All I do is be with him as close as possible and watch and absorb his doing, teaching and His life until willingly imitate Him.
Dear. Lord
There are too many things that make me away from you. Help me to open my eyes and mind to know how precious privilege to follow Jesus.
Help me to focus on you.
One word: Jesus has hope in me.
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