

Frosty Fern / 구름이끼, 와소니아 12.06,2024 /7.99/ Sheridan Garden Center. Sipoe wants to buy for the unique image. I saw it several times from many marts around this time but it was not that attractive to my eyes. 1hour later, I found bigger size sells for $3 cheaper in the Metro. When I check for information on the internet, it requires high humidity which is hard to care for. Let's see.    Variegated spike moss (Selaginella .. 2024. 12. 12.
Norfolk pine Dec06,24 I had this tree after the Christmas season, and it was alive for almost 2year. But suddenly dried up the leaves and quickly died. I don't know how I ended up buying this tree again even so a small and expensive place. 4 inches,12$, Sheriden Garden center. It can divide 7pots.  -----The Norfolk Pine is one of the few conifers that can be grown as a houseplant. Unlike the traditional fir .. 2024. 12. 7.
Glacier Eucalyptus / 유칼립투스 Oct 12, 2024$ 16.99 Metro full sunlight / keep moist/well drain/transplant shock  This is one of the lists I want to buy. It was a little expensive compared to the size, but not much chance of meeting, so I bought it. One of the negative things is I heard this is an annual plant in Canada.  I tried to transplant it cause it looked dense with other roots but it turned out that one plant. I put it.. 2024. 10. 22.
Ficus Triangularis Variegata / 스윗하트 고무나무 This is one of the Ficus trees which I passed last year 2023 November and regret that I didn't buy it. It sells unthinkable places like pet shops. Also comparing small size, felt expensive. However, it's hard to meet again in other places later.  Today, Sep 23, 2024, from Sheridan Nurseries I got one with the same price but a little smaller size one. The leaf is unique and sometimes it looks hea.. 2024. 9. 24.
Apple tree / 사과나무 It may not be the first plant I started in this home but these 2 apple trees are the largest in our home which I started even from seeds that I ate. Now I know which apple is the best for my tastes (AMBROSIA), I try out different species. It may be the Gala. it may be started in 2016.  Aug,22 first Apple shows. Over 3 meters.My neighbour planted a medium-sized apple tree around 3 years ago.. eve.. 2024. 9. 10.
Macho Fern / 마초 고사리 Dec 31, 2021 Got from Lowes D/C$3 with other discounted plants like fiddle leaf and rubber tree.The condition was not the best but it ok.     Only one located in the upper bathroom was lush and abundant. So I can divide 5 pots including the original one. Grow the Tropical Native Macho Fern Outdoors or IndoorsMacho ferns (Nephrolepis.. 2024. 8. 14.
Lemon Button Fern / 더피 고사리 20230212 From Rona $10 (cl 24.99)  I have a fern which grows relatively well. It is not Boston Fern but Macho Fern, which I got as D/C.  However, its leaves turned brown and dried out gradually at the end of the year 2023. This is a hard time for plant lovers to see the dying out of the plant which was prosperous one time. I did but it doesn't get well up until now. but not dead yet. so repottin.. 2024. 8. 14.
Peperomia obtusifolia / 무늬 페페 American Baby Rubber Plant I don’t remember when and where I get this plant. It grows untouchable.Oct 14,22 decide to prune and propagate.   Aug 7, 2024 condition was not good. barely survive. American Baby Rubber Plant Peperomia ObtusifoliaAmerican baby rubber plant or pepper face plant. Description, information guid.. 2024. 8. 7.
Monstera Deliciosa / 몬스테라 From Freshco, $28.99 Jan 20, 2022As the name goes, it grows well like a monster. I divided early time, now most size is over 6inch.1yr later, on Jan 26,23 it grows well even giftable.  Because of the characteristic of leaning against, I plant together with other trees.  Aug 7,24 only 3pot left and conditions are not good. Maybe together growing is not good idea. 2024. 8. 7.
Campanula campanula white Wonder MeeMar 22, 2024 From Metro D/C 6.99 From buying ..bottom watering. White Flower...Wah Paw. only lasted 4 months.,the%20pot%20to%20the%20saucer. 2024. 8. 7.
Sun Star 20240322 DC 7.99 from Metro. Normally orange colour but yellow for w.p. Divide 3pots. Ornithogalum dubiumIt was suggested by Sipoe to raise. 4month later almost gone. this is obituarary.     FeaturesBright starry blooms cluster atop narrow leaves for a striking display of bold color and crisp form. Use solo as a centerpiece or arrange amongst a backdrop of foliage plants. Once flowering has ende.. 2024. 8. 7.
Norway Spruce / 독일 가문비 나무 Jan 2, 2023, This Norway spruce starts with just for fun. I got a clearance price, "Christmas tree grow kit" I assumed It may not work, but the negative thought was changed when I saw the sprouts from the seeds when I followed instructions. All three kinds sprouted but Serbian spruce and blue spruce dried out orderly.  Aug 2,24, growing but small, the branches are a little awkward, cut, and atte.. 2024. 8. 3.
Dracaena Lemon Lime /드라세나 레몬라임 June17, 2020 Jian Hhing Foodmart, $4 It has grown and adapted well to our home for almost 3 years and is now 5 times bigger than before. Mar 24, I tried to propagate but sadly, all failed. a little bit ugly now.Aug 1, 24 barely survived. Dracaena Lemon Lime Plant Care GuideDracaena Lemon Lime with bright green, yellow and white leaves requires less wat.. 2024. 8. 1.
Ardisia Crenata/ Coral Berry /백량금 Dec 29/31, 2021 Ardisia Crenata, metro, $10(d/c) (red, white each)After Doctor's Appointment looks to use it for the Christmas event. When I buy these 2 Ardisia plants, I think I need to keep track of the history of my plants. Also, I bought more to give presents to 40 and 44. Also found out that each metro has a different price for plants. "BLOOMS FOR THE SUMMER AND BERRIES AT CHRISTMAS" Alread.. 2024. 8. 1.
White Bird of Paradise / 흰꽃 극락조화 Strelitzia AlbaJune 5,23 from Rona, $8 This plant also i saw as plantariors in dramas. But mostly quite expensive. but I found this. Later this is a little different species from what I wanted. July 31, 24 not much grows but still survive. 2024. 8. 1.
Croton / 크로톤 From Rona, cl around $5. After propagating to 3 pots left. soso Survived. July 31, 24 2024. 8. 1.
Pilea Glauca 'Aquamarine' /타라 From Rona $5 easy to water propagate but hard to adapt in the pot.July 31, 24 only one pot barely survived.     If you examine the leaves up close, you'll see tiny speckles all across the silvery-blue, rounded leaves of Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine.' This terrarium plant loves high humidity and low light. Its low-growing, densely matted, creeping stems create the perfect base for other plants in you.. 2024. 8. 1.
Peperomia obtusifolia varigata /청페페 American Baby Rubber Plant I don’t remember when and where I got this plant. It grows untouchable.Oct 14,22 decide to prune and propagate. July 31, 24 After propagate, many pots dead, now barely survived. How to Grow Peperomia Obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plants)Baby rubber plants (Peperomia obtusifolia), with their glossy, thi.. 2024. 8. 1.
Peace Lily/Spathiphyllum/스파티필름 SpathiphyllumHome Depot 6.99Bought: Mar 19, 2023  I bought this plant to remind myself to bring peace to our home. I am angry with my wife and make her cry. I’m so sorry and guilty. My temper is still wild to hurt others deeply, especially those I love. I repent and apologize to her.  230331 propagate to 5pots.      230502 All flowers are down but the plants have managed to survive up to now2307.. 2024. 8. 1.
Ficus moclame / Ficus Danielle /프랑스 고무나무? I was captured by the oval leaves and abundance of the tree when I saw it from the new car showroom. Dec of 2023.I looked up and found it also "the Ficus" family.  I tried to find affordable sizes and prices for more than half a year whenever I could check plants. Mostly sells big and high-priced ones. The 10-inch pot one(below) was the smallest I had ever seen. Almost happened to be bought. It .. 2024. 7. 25.