Plant29 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar / 삼나무 We planted the front yard, THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'BRANDON' Brandon Cedar as a fence around June 16, 201724pcs to around / cl 1. 99 (org 7.99) under $50, it is quite a deal. I wanted some privacy and also I envied the house with a tree fence. without knowing what to do... just did it. so 5 years later, these small $2 plants grow well. Without notice, it grows 10cm a year. Maybe it will be worth bein.. 2024. 7. 25. FICUS ALTISSIMA / 벵갈고무나무 20220916.. small plants starts.. 20240718I figured out that the name of the tree was wrong. I thought this plant was bengal rubber tree. But when I looked into it, it turned out Ficus Altissima. This is the tree I love from Korea. I tried several times but failed to keep growing. I present to special people. The top right and left one is .. 2024. 7. 25. Ficus lyrata /Fiddle leaf fig tree/ 떡갈잎 고무나무 Fiddle-leaf fig, banjo fig At first. I’m not that like this plant because the leaf was too big. But I saw many dramas and posts they use as interior props, which I also want to try. I happen to get when they clearance from lowe’s. I did big propagation around 10 pots but it did not much grow well compared with other ficus kinds(rubber plant)2021 1231 Fiddle leaf fig tree, Lowes $4 each(org 21.99.. 2024. 7. 25. Pilea peperomioides / 필레아페페 Chinese Money Plant July 5, 2022, from FreshCo $3.5 221001/It grows well on the NW side front window. Originally, quite packed in one pot with two main trunks was planted and didn’t transplant. It is divided 2 big+ 3 small. 240723/ now I have 4 or 5 pots of Pilea. It grows well in our house and is easy to propagate because of small plantlets. 2024. 7. 25. China Doll Plant / 녹보수 Common Name: China doll plant, serpent tree, emerald treeBotanical Name: Radermachera SinicaPlant Type: Broadleaf evergreen 2024/07/20 After Brampton Treetop Trakking in Heart Lake Park, right in front Lakeside Garden Gallery. $3.99At first this tree catches wife's eys. It gives refreshing and abundanceness. Finally end up this small China Doll plant. That small plant pot has 14 roots which can.. 2024. 7. 21. The Golfinger Potentilla The Golfinger Potentilla is a small shrub with a compact and rounded shape. From June to October it is covered with very large dark golden yellow flowers. Bloom from june to august Potentilla f. 'Goldfinger' Hardiness: zone 2 Mature size: 0.80m x 0.80m Full sun to Part-Shade (4-6 hours of sun each day)By the success for 2 plants in this backyard plot, we want to plant more for beautify this plac.. 2024. 6. 26. Ficus Benjamina / 벤자민 고무나무 weeping fig, Benjamin fig, ficus tree I found 2014 Jan in the photo, When we were in the 99Howard apartment, I already had a weeping tree. Also, I added one more tree from Galleria. I saw a Weeping tree from my aunt's house at first. It was enviously grandeur and gorgeous. I tried to grow several times in Korea but failed even in Canada I think. But the one I bought from Korean Galleria Market.. 2024. 3. 25. Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree 06/03/22Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree, Lowe’s $49.99This is 100% the wife's choice. I don't understand still why she likes it. not cheap and full-price tree ..with 50$, this is the most expensive plant we ever bought.It is placed front yard. 07/23/24 Already 2year passed and it survived well 2 times of harsh winter. How to Gro.. 2022. 7. 23. ZAMIOCULCAS, ZZ plant / 금전수 04/30/22 Ikea / Potted plant, Aroid palm 6 " (15 cm) 16.99 (divide 5)update 0721.2022from divide 5pots, I present 1p to 40, 1p dead, 3 pot left.but 1 pot's condition is not good. some stem was softened with water and yellowed.I suspect overwater or not draining. 돈나무 금전수 키우기, 블랙 색상과 무늬 2.. 2022. 5. 1. prev 1 2 next