All Categories68 Fern How to Divide Ferns If your fern no longer produces leaves, its leaves begin growing smaller than they usually do, or the center of the fern is dead, it’s time to divide the fern. Even if your fern is not displaying any of these telltale signs, you should still divide it to encourage the new growth. Whether you are growing ferns indoors in a container or outdoors in your garden, you should divid.. 2024. 4. 20. Perilla Plant How to Grow Sesame Yourself 1 Plant raw sesame seeds in an indoor pot.You can get your sesame seeds from a gardening store, or from any supermarket—just make sure to buy raw, untoasted seeds. Place them in moist, light soil and keep the temperature at 70°F (21°C). Once the seeds sprout, transplant them into an outdoor garden with full sunlight. Place the plants about 6 inches (15 cm) apart.[8] W.. 2024. 4. 19. How to prune apple tree /사과나무를 가지치기하는 방법 집에서 과일을 기르는 것은 과정과 결과 모두에 있어서 매우 보람되는 일입니다. 그리고 만약 사과나무를 길러서 최대한 많은 과일을 생산하고 싶다면 아마도 가지치기의 필요성을 알고 있어야 할 겁니다. 가지치기를 할 경우 시간이 지나면서 나무가 더욱 건강해집니다. 또한 나무의 성장이 촉진되며 더 좋은 품질의 과일을 더 많이 생산할 수 있습니다. 그러므로 사과나무가 뒤죽박죽으로 자라지 않도록 그대로 방치하지 말고 쉬운 방법을 통해서 사과나무를 직접 가지치기하세요. 방법1기초부터 익히기PDF 다운로드 1가지치기를 해야 하는 시기를 확인하세요. 사과나무를 가지치기해야 한다는 사실을 깨닫는 순간 바로 달려가서 무성한 나뭇가지들을 잘라버리고 싶을 겁니다. 하지만 나무에 손상이 가는 것을 피하기 위해서는 적절한 시기에.. 2024. 4. 19. Fixing Roof project There was leaking from the ceiling 23 summer, no more. Apr12,2024 going into the artic, it shows leaking from above the roof 1. Finding the spot of leaking from the roof. tools. using a bricklayers trowel raises the shingles with less damage to the shingles. It is thinner and wider than a wonder bar/ flat bar and want poke a hole in the shingles and slides under the shingle better! Roof Flashing.. 2024. 4. 12. Ficus Benjamina / 벤자민 고무나무 weeping fig, Benjamin fig, ficus tree I found 2014 Jan in the photo, When we were in the 99Howard apartment, I already had a weeping tree. Also, I added one more tree from Galleria. I saw a Weeping tree from my aunt's house at first. It was enviously grandeur and gorgeous. I tried to grow several times in Korea but failed even in Canada I think. But the one I bought from Korean Galleria Market.. 2024. 3. 25. Cherry tomato seed Dry and keep it and April start 토마토씨, 방울토마토 씨앗 채종하기 안녕하세요 마담입니다. 얼마전에 정말 너무너무 맛있는 방울토마토를 먹어볼 기회가 있었어요. 무슨 모형... 05화 방울토마토 씨앗 심어 수확까지 베란다 텃밭씨앗 관찰 프로젝트 | 토마토는 채소임에도 불구하고 우리나라에서는 과일처럼 생과로 섭취하는 경우가 많습니다. 특히 방울토마토는 한입에 쏙 들어가는 크기로 인해 더욱 손쉽게 집에서 토망고 방울토마토 씨앗 발아 시키기.. 2023. 8. 13. Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree 06/03/22Bloodgood Japanese Maple tree, Lowe’s $49.99This is 100% the wife's choice. I don't understand still why she likes it. not cheap and full-price tree ..with 50$, this is the most expensive plant we ever bought.It is placed front yard. 07/23/24 Already 2year passed and it survived well 2 times of harsh winter. How to Gro.. 2022. 7. 23. ZAMIOCULCAS, ZZ plant / 금전수 04/30/22 Ikea / Potted plant, Aroid palm 6 " (15 cm) 16.99 (divide 5)update 0721.2022from divide 5pots, I present 1p to 40, 1p dead, 3 pot left.but 1 pot's condition is not good. some stem was softened with water and yellowed.I suspect overwater or not draining. 돈나무 금전수 키우기, 블랙 색상과 무늬 2.. 2022. 5. 1. prev 1 2 3 4 next