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How does the child become a disciple? / 간증 August 5, 2020 My son keeps asking me to buy a pet doggy. When I was young, I also loved to have pets.  However, I don't want to buy it for him. There are several issues. One of the reasons is that a small, cute pet doggy will grow into a bigger and older dog. Most people like to see babies because of their cuteness. People are looking for video clips for babies and small animals. It gave us a r.. 2024. 8. 18.
Jesus builds Jairus' faith / 야이로의 믿음을 세우신 예수님 Mar 18, 2020 I'm grateful for Mark's gospel messages because I taste newly when I chew it again, compared with repeating the interpretation I had before. As we see, this event is quite unique. During Jairu's events, including the 12-years bleeding woman's case in between. It's not happening by accident. It has a clear purpose to show us how Jesus builds up Jairus' faith from the beginning.   We .. 2024. 8. 18.
Healing doesn’t bring salvation Jan 21, 2020 While listening to the last week’s message, ‘Jesus’ Power to Heal’, I realize that even Jesus’ healing doesn’t bring salvation to the people who are not ready to receive forgiveness. When I was hit with this idea, It was quite shocking to me. I just believed in whole my life naively that Jesus' healing brought a happy ending for all. However, I was sure of this idea when the message.. 2024. 8. 18.
He has Risen! (Resurrection Faith) Apr 8, 2020Thank God for the chance to meditate on the resurrection rather than crucifixion. I also accept Jesus as my personal saviour through Jesus on the cross for my sin with tears and repentance at the UBF Summer Conference when I was a freshman. However, I trying to see different angles in Mark's gospel study in 2020. I was born into a Christian family. So Jesus on the Cross, Crucifixion i.. 2024. 8. 17.
Has God really messed up my life? Feb23, 2020 This Sunday message (Mark 4:21-34) was quite a shocking and fresh interpretation of the passage. Especially, this is one of the parables, in which Jesus says continuously, "who has ears to hear". I heard messages according to this passage more than 10 times, it was naturally formulated that the mustard seed interpreted good, good one which we should be.   Actually, when we Bible stud.. 2024. 8. 17.
Do You Love Me? (The Risen Christ Implants His love for Us to follow Him)April 7, 2024 John 21:1-19Key verse 21:15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” From last week’s message, we witnessed Jesus’s glorious resurrection which gave us the same resurrection hope.. 2024. 8. 17.
GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES October 8, 2023 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians is the letter from Paul to the Thessalonica church who only had a short time to hear the gospel but kept their faith in hardships despite their new beliefs in Jesus. Some say Paul had only 3weeks to preach in Thessalonica be.. 2024. 8. 17.
Jesus Blesses the Thankful Man October 9, 2022 Luke 17:11-19Key Verse 17:16 “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.” Let's greet each other. Happy Thanksgiving. When you greet with “Happy Thanksgiving,” what is on your mind? As for me, I didn’t have anything in mind before. It was just a greeting. Nothing special. Through today’s passage, we learn 3 attitudes of life of faith. Pray, Obey, and .. 2024. 8. 17.
JESUS, THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE / Resurrection 3 April 9, 2023  John 11:17-44Key verse 11:25-26 “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Do you know the term trilogy? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a group of three related novels, plays and movies.” Examples are the 'Lord of the Rings seri.. 2024. 8. 17.
Were Not Our Hearts Burning? / Resurrection 2 April 17, 2022 Luke 24:1-35Key Verse 24:32 “They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” When I was a young Sunday school student, my pastor said that we may not laugh or be joyful during the passion week, in order to join Jesus’ suffering and remember his cross for my sins. Except for Resurrection Day, most .. 2024. 8. 17.
The Glory of the Resurrection / Resurrection 1 (We Shall Be Like Jesus)April 4, 2021 1 Corinthians 15:35-58Key Verse 15:49 “And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man.” In the book, “Hope for the Flowers,” Stripe and Yellow are two caterpillars. They realize that there must be “more” to life than just eating leaves. They sense that there must be a way to go up into the sky. They sea.. 2024. 8. 17.
All That I Can Do Is Thank Him This is one of the songs that kept dwelling in my head and ears for long years.All That I Can Do Is Thank Him (Korean Title: 내가 할 수 있는 것은)only short chorus part translation in Korean.   When I look there are 3 kinds of versions on the web.  Lance Appleton-All That I Can Do Is Thank Him더보기 that I Can Do Is Thank Him“One God Apostolic” Freelance Music 1975Words and M.. 2024. 8. 17.
Shed painting At least 10 years passed since we got this house in 2014.Recently, I even noticed leaking not only rust on the surface.           Infos- How to Paint a Rusty Metal Shed: 13 Steps (with Pictures)A backyard shed can increase your home's storage or work space. Metal sheds are sturdy and widely available in many sizes. If you own a metal shed, you may .. 2024. 8. 16.
Macho Fern / 마초 고사리 Dec 31, 2021 Got from Lowes D/C$3 with other discounted plants like fiddle leaf and rubber tree.The condition was not the best but it ok.     Only one located in the upper bathroom was lush and abundant. So I can divide 5 pots including the original one. Grow the Tropical Native Macho Fern Outdoors or IndoorsMacho ferns (Nephrolepis.. 2024. 8. 14.
Lemon Button Fern / 더피 고사리 20230212 From Rona $10 (cl 24.99)  I have a fern which grows relatively well. It is not Boston Fern but Macho Fern, which I got as D/C.  However, its leaves turned brown and dried out gradually at the end of the year 2023. This is a hard time for plant lovers to see the dying out of the plant which was prosperous one time. I did but it doesn't get well up until now. but not dead yet. so repottin.. 2024. 8. 14.
Failed plants / 실패한 식물들 I don't have a green thumb. There are many more I failed plants to raise. Sometimes I want to excuse that the plant condition was bad from the beginning. so it was D/C.   rose, Goldcrest Wilma, Yucca, Devil’s Ivy, Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana), gardenia, English Ivy, Jasmine, Hosta, Dieffenbachia, Sun Star, Cyclamen, Hyacinth, Campanula, Eugenia Topiary, Majesty Palm Tree, Calathea ‘Medalli.. 2024. 8. 8.
Peperomia obtusifolia / 무늬 페페 American Baby Rubber Plant I don’t remember when and where I get this plant. It grows untouchable.Oct 14,22 decide to prune and propagate.   Aug 7, 2024 condition was not good. barely survive. American Baby Rubber Plant Peperomia ObtusifoliaAmerican baby rubber plant or pepper face plant. Description, information guid.. 2024. 8. 7.
Monstera Deliciosa / 몬스테라 From Freshco, $28.99 Jan 20, 2022As the name goes, it grows well like a monster. I divided early time, now most size is over 6inch.1yr later, on Jan 26,23 it grows well even giftable.  Because of the characteristic of leaning against, I plant together with other trees.  Aug 7,24 only 3pot left and conditions are not good. Maybe together growing is not good idea. 2024. 8. 7.
Campanula campanula white Wonder MeeMar 22, 2024 From Metro D/C 6.99 From buying ..bottom watering. White Flower...Wah Paw. only lasted 4 months.,the%20pot%20to%20the%20saucer. 2024. 8. 7.
Sun Star 20240322 DC 7.99 from Metro. Normally orange colour but yellow for w.p. Divide 3pots. Ornithogalum dubiumIt was suggested by Sipoe to raise. 4month later almost gone. this is obituarary.     FeaturesBright starry blooms cluster atop narrow leaves for a striking display of bold color and crisp form. Use solo as a centerpiece or arrange amongst a backdrop of foliage plants. Once flowering has ende.. 2024. 8. 7.